Someone’s Got To Talk

Directed by: Farzad Kiyafar
Length: 35 minutes
Category: Short
Country: Iran
Year of production: 2012
Screened in:


Shot in a single room, “Someone’s Got to Talk” is a claustrophobic examination about words unsaid; real feelings, cover ups, suspicions, fake smiles, and existing taboos in married life.
In this short we listen to a couple lying on bed with their backs to each other. Sometimes we hear their thoughts and sometimes we listen to their words. Within an atmosphere of distrust, they ask where the other was and what he/she was doing at a specific time. Each found evidence pointing to the other’s affair with a mutual friend couple. By the morning it is clear that no affair has been had, rather they have only shared the other’s secrets and shortcomings with the friend. The marriage is already destroyed, and all husband’s attempts to restore their relationship fails as the wife sees no way to return.