Thaer Al Shamali (Mahmoud Al Jabaly)

Thaer Al Shamali “Mahmoud Al Jabaly” is a Syrian Filmmaker, born in 1993. He is originally from Aleppo, Syria, but resides in Turkey due to the unsafe and deteriorating situation in his home country. He is currently studying RTV cinema at Karabük university in Turkey. He aims to raise awareness about what Syria is enduring through his work.

To this date, Mr. Al Shamali has made 22 short films. “Siege” has been screened at the Behance Syria Festival in Istanbul, Turkey, and the 4FICAE – Diseases International Short Film and Art Festival in Spain. It has been awarded the “Audience Award” at the Mokhtar Festival in France and the “Best Online” film at the International Monthly Film Festival (IMFF) in Denmark.