Saeed Nouri

Born in Tehran on September 5, 1974, Saeed Nouri began his cinematographic studies in Iran with a degree from the Sooreh Institute, following that with a master’s in film direction from the University of Art, Tehran, in 2005. He continued his studies in France, obtaining a PhD in cinema studies in 2013 from the ‘Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin’ (UVSQ).
Member of the ‘Cinémathèque Française’ between 2006 and 2012, he took part in debates and film critiques under the direction of Jean DOUCHET and Nicole BRENEZ. His cinematographic research has led him to interview hundreds of Iranian filmmakers, as well as having several books published and organising over 20 short-film workshops.
Translator and novelist, since his return to Iran in 2012 he has been classifying the subject matter of Iranian cinema in view of writing its definitive history.